SIMONE Research Group
Solutions For Simulation And Optimisation In The Gas Industry
On-line Simulation
SCADA Integration
SIMONE supports the integration with any SCADA system. The interface is based on open system architectures and acknowledged industrial standards. Various user interface strategies, ranging from full integration to loose coupling, may be implemented to meet the customer's requirements.
Consumption Forecast
Integration with other information systems such as consumption forecast software is possible as well.
Cyclic Simulation
The on-line technique is based on a cyclic performing of the following steps:
- Network state reconstruction based on measured data
- Look-ahead simulation starting from an estimated state
- Additional procedures based on an estimated state, e.g. leak detection
State Reconstruction
SIMONE on-line receives and validates the entering flow of SCADA data. The state reconstruction module uses the measured data to obtain the most reliable estimate of the actual state of the network. The state reconstruction is repeatedly calculated within the cyclic simulation process.
Leak Detection
With fast and accurate leak detection module, SIMONE On-line can identify and localise possible gas leaks within the network. Several time thresholds can be used simultaneously, which enables big leaks to be detected immediately and smaller ones within longer observation times.
Data Correction
Detection of Faulty Measurements
An optional advanced procedure for detection of systematic errors in measurement is available. Moreover, it estimates some of the system parameters (pipe roughness).